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After Hours (ft. Brad Knight)

(View album: Lucid Theory)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  764 views

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Verse 1
Play the scene less a star right over
Like a lucid dream I lose control of
Inhale the smoke, exhale the sober
Rest I can see,
Will you move closer?

Will you move closer?
Will you move closer?

It was after hours, we lost our way
We wandered through the night
Our fingers intertwined
It was after hours
You'd think we were insane the way we lose the reigns
It was running through our veins in the after hours

Verse 2
See the world through filtered lenses
Discovering without assessing
It's one thing I am left to question
Did I lose my memories?
Or are they senseless
It's a dangerous thing to remember
It's fragments of our nights together
It's crazy I can feel the tension
Please don't stop baby I'm begging
I'm begging

It was after hours, we lost our way
We wandered through the night
Our fingers intertwined
It was after hours
You'd think we were insane the way we lose the reigns
It was running through our veins in the after hours

In the after hours
Oh, I love you
Oh, I love you

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