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(View album: Bad Hair Extentions)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1257 views

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40% accurate

When you smoke that piff try not to fall asleep
When you take that sip try not to fall asleep
When you take that hit try not to fall asleep
I'm still waiting on my fix so I can fall asleep
When you smoke that piff try not to fall asleep
When you take that sip try not to fall asleep
When you take that hit try not to fall asleep
I'm still waiting on my fix so I can fall asleep

You know how we get down
We roll up by the pound, we pass that shit around
When we were using the couch, lost pills got found
I got you up in the clouds
Every time you came around
You let me put it in your mouth
Hit it 'til it goes out, hit it 'til it goes out

When you smoke that piff try not to fall asleep
When you take that sip try not to fall asleep
When you take that hit try not to fall asleep
I'm still waiting on my fix so I can fall asleep
When you smoke that piff try not to fall asleep
When you take that sip try not to fall asleep
When you take that hit try not to fall asleep
I'm still waiting on my fix so I can fall asleep

You know how we get down
We roll up by the pound, we pass that shit around
When we were using the couch, lost pills got found
I got you up in the clouds
Every time you came around
You let me put it in your mouth
Hit it 'til it goes out, hit it 'til it goes out

When you smoke that piff try not to fall asleep
When you take that sip try not to fall asleep
When you take that hit try not to fall asleep
I'm still waiting on my fix so I can fall asleep
When you smoke that piff try not to fall asleep
When you take that sip try not to fall asleep
When you take that hit try not to fall asleep
I'm still waiting on my fix so I can fall asleep

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