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Dopamine (ft. MOONGA. K)

(View album: Lucid Theory)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  716 views

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Verse 1
Getting by and getting high
Never face my freedom dry
I just wanna reignite the forceful light that's in my eyes
Make it fast and make it real
You know this shit's a big deal
I can't wait any longer for the feeling to grow stronger

Get my levels back on
Sing the words to my song
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine
Get my levels back on
Sing the words to my song
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine, yeah

Verse 2
I'll never be afraid, wanna get away
Be own escape, wanna celebrate, yeah

I'll never be afraid, wanna get away
Be own escape, wanna celebrate

I'll never be afraid, wanna get away
Be own escape, wanna celebrate

I'll never be afraid, wanna get away
Be own escape, wanna celebrate, celebrate, yeah

Give me that dopamine


Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine

Give me that dopa-dopa-dopa
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine , yeah

Get my levels back on
Sing the words to my song
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine
Get my levels back on
Sing the words to my song
Give me that dopamine
Give me that dopamine

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