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Good Gods Freestyle

(View album: Good Gods Freestyle)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1173 views

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Good Gods have came and descended upon your descendents
Defend us against an enemy
Verily at its zen
The lesson for your successors who never strengthen the pedigree
Genesis gave you vessels but never quelled all the heresy
Now who gon' save us?
White Jesus in the picture frame?
Or black Jesus in the little manger?
Who you pray to?
White Jesus I'm the picture frame?
Or black Jesus?
I say either way
You ain't know lions in the jungle
If you dying in abundance
Stoke the pyre
Poke that open fire
Tryna beat the sun up
Leave the sun up
Hang up on the cross
Suffer for the cause
Feel the rumble thunder from the gods
Covenant of loss
(?) flesh off your chest
Gun a knife
Smith and west with your west
You gon' run or fight ?
Sun and night
Wanna cut a life for the blood of Christ
Love and light
Tell 'em love and light

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