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Hey Now

(View album: All Or Nothing album)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1299 views

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I guess you fell the same, guess you mean it like you said it
Guess it's all just figured out in the space that lies between us
And I can hear it shouting out as it echoes through the buildings
Now I feel overcome, way to fast and I don't know why

But I'm all down and out again
Feeling it come round and

Hey now don't look back, always look forward stay on track and
Hey now don't look back, always look forward stay on track

Oh you feel it like you want, suppose it's everything and more
And I just guess it's what you need guess it's what you're searching for

I'm feeling it come, back again. I'm loosing it all I can't feel anything.

Hey now don't look back, always look forward stay on track
Hey now don't look back, always look forward stay on track

I'm just guessing once again, I'm just feeling in the dark
I need a light to guide the way, trying to see what I'm apart of
When you feel overcome, feel like it's over could've been
Anything now. Try keep holding on and take a breath so come
On out and see what it's all about and

Hey now don't look back, always look forward stay on track
Hey now don't look back, always look forward stay on track.

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