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(View album: Re: M Field - EP)

A Major (Ionian)

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Glowin' in the dead of night
I'm a sentry
Nodding off in firelight

They got a lot of reasons
Got a lot of right words
Got a lot of rules

I'm dreamin' of hyenas
Dreamin' of the barn owl
Dreamin' of baboons

Keep me guessin'
Never let me feel secure
They love me too much
And make me a caricature

They got a lot of reasons
Got a lot of right words
Got a lot of rules

I'm dreamin' of hyenas
Dreamin' of the barn owl
Dreamin' of baboons

[Verse 3]
Scented candle
Tiny freckle on your arm
Play you Handel
Nevеr let you come to harm

Baby, I'm your river
Baby, I'm your ocеan
I'm your swimming pool

Baby, I'm your forest
Baby, I'm your ozone
Tryna keep you cool

They got a lot of reasons
Got a lot of right words
Got a lot of rules

I'm dreamin' of hyenas
Dreamin' of the barn owl
Dreamin' of baboons.

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