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It's Magic

(View album: Eavesdropping on the Songs of Whales)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1323 views

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Autumn melts down on the ground it colours
The streets are filled with art and the trees are the artists
It's magic, it's magic
I dream of the future, my sisters and my brothers
No more war, just love for one another
It's magic, it's magic
It's magic

Follow, follow, follow us up to the pie in the sky
It's titanic, it's enormous
Bigger, bigger, better than anything I've ever seen
It's titanic, it's enormous
It's magic, it's magic
It's magic

On some special round called a new sensation
A choir of birds sing songs of inspiration
It's magic, it's magic
I look to the stars with such fascination
The magic of life fills my motivation
It's magic, it's magic
It's magic

I won't let you down
Just know there's magic to be found
And when you're all alone
Just follow the stars

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