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Let Me Heal

(View album: Poison the Parish)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1097 views

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If I bide my time I'll come up empty
If I get in line, I'm on my knees
If you take what's mine I'll still have plenty
So I guess I'm fine with this disease

So please just let me heal
And please don't let me complicate this all
I need to breathe
And bleed to help me face this on my own

In another life you could defend me
It's a jagged line I walk with ease
And to my surprise you can't offend me
And with my demise I'll get release

So please just let me heal
And please don't let me complicate this all
I need to breathe
And bleed to help me face this on my own

So please just let me heal
And please don't let me complicate this all
I need to breathe
And bleed to help me face this on my own

On my own [x4].

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