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Ndivulele (feat. Sun-El Musician)

(View album: Imali)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1429 views

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Ndivele ndicinge ndilile kulemeko endikuyo
Ndizibhaqa ndicela uxolo
Ndiyaphambana khawuyeke
Ndivele ndicinge ndilile kulemeko endikuyo
Ndizibhaqa ndicela uxolo
Ndiyaphambana khawuyeke

Uyabusa umakhelwane
Angithi iphepha ulithengise ilali yonke
Uyabusa umakhelwane
Angithi iphepha ulithengise ilali yonke

Ndivulele Ndivulele
Ngamanga ngamanga
Ndivulele Ndivulele
Ndivulele Ndivulele
Ngamanga ngamanga
Ndivulele Ndivulele
Ndivulele Ndivulele
Ngamanga ngamanga

Uyabusa umakhelwane
Angithi iphepha ulithengise ilali yonke
Uyabusa umakhelwane
Angithi iphepha ulithengise ilali yonke
Uyabusa umakhelwane
Angithi iphepha ulithengise ilali yonke
Uyabusa umakhelwane
Angithi iphepha ulithengise ilali yonke

Ndivele ndicinge ndilile kule meko endikuyo
Ndizibhaqa ndicela uxolo
Ndiyaphambana Khawuyeke
Ndivele ndicinge ndilile kule meko endikuyo
Ndizibhaqa ndicela uxolo
Ndiyaphambana Khawuyeke

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