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I'm overwhelmed
You're overwhelming
Sat on his skin
There like you've swollen
I can't evade this powerful feeling
I'll kiss your scars
You soul is a painting
You hands are a brush
Your strokes keep me guessing
The art of your voice sounds like a blessing
I can't believe this powerful feeling
I'm overwhelmed
You're overwhelming
If this is love
Love's been pretending
I've never adored this wild beyond reason
Besides you I find the rain for breathing
The thought of your absence is leaving be bleeding
Your smile messes up the way my heart is beating
Holding you here feels like I'm stealing
Existence without you, the world would be cheating
I'm overwhelmed
You're overwhelming me
Kisses beyond time and distinction (distinction and time)
Love you beyond fairy beyond reason
My heart is in prison
My love has no freedom
My life is a song and you are a symphony (sing to me)
My heart is all gone, and yours is within me (stored in me)
My soul is like yours, a spirit of painting (paint in me)
We're moulded together
I'm you and you are me (we are one)
I'm overwhelmed
Your overwhelming me
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