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Of Hue

(View album: Of Angels and Ancestors EP)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1414 views

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They anxiously practicing what I'm naturally packing
Bringing their lack (?)
While my black is outstanding
If you don't have it you mad
And I understand that my pattern is never nappy
Except for strands on the back of a lamb and it's lovely
Blacker than Anubis
Cast is immaculate
Had to be African
My ancestors demands in my larynx
I'm just a vessel
You shoot the messenger Mecca's in battle
The devil no match or medicine
I go ham for (?)
That no cast a spell on me
Them go back to heaven
I make bastards of devils who wanna battle with hero
(?) essential
I won't need no Catholic sprinkle
No blast for me Mecca
That don't mean no anarchy totem
That Hannabil Lecter
That melanin is damaged and you wish had the potential
You wish you were black and I get you it's actually simple
I've just got some magic in this hue


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