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Oh my my
A gentleman too scared to go against the rules
Oh my my wancembeza
Inkosi ufike nini kwade kwatshona nelanga
Hhe undenzile ngalempatho yakho
Ndatsho ndathandwa
Kuthi mandigeze ngalempatho yakho
Kuthi mandigeze ngalempatho yakho
The thought of you made this song for you
The thought of you wrote this song for you
The thought of you made me sing this song for you
Ndicela ukuphilisana nawe
Uyabon' ukba inameva
Uyabon' akukho lula
Kwavuma nabaphantsi
Sisindwa ngumthwalo
Ndodana kwaphela amazwi okubhala ukonwaba
Ndifuna ube ngowami ndedwa
Oh my my
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