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Overstanding (Original mix) (ft. Jaidene Veda)

(View album: ’n Ware Verhaal)

A Major (Ionian)

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I've got this certain uncertainty (uncertainty)
I've got this certain uncertainty (uncertainty)
I've got this simple song that -
I've got this simple song that-
I've got this uncertainty but it's what makes you come to love me
I've got this certain tone
I've got a certain song
I know perfectly imperfectly made
But it's what makes you come to love me
Not trying too soon
I cried to the moon
I fight so foolish but now I'm overstanding this town

Overstanding this town
Overstanding this town
Overstanding all around
Overstanding this, now I'm overstanding my mind

Verse 2
I'm not this sinister overtime and overstanding all the ways I tried
I'm not this spiritual overtime and overstanding all the ways I've cried
I've got this really silly of making the same mistakes
I've got this really different way of making sure I'm okay

Not trying too soon
I cried to the moon
I fight so foolish but now I'm overstanding this town

Overstanding this town
Overstanding this town
Overstanding all around
Overstanding this, now I'm overstanding my mind

Verse 3
Now I'm growing on constantly
Yes I'm working on me constantly
Now I'm wishing on a constellation
But I'm counting on the complications
Free fall, free fall

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