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Say Anything

(View album: Youthless)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1053 views

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I see the look in your eyes
The look I can't define
Because you're such a critic
Who are you staring down
The fuck you saying now oh
You're such a critic

What's with the attitude
Can't we just get a room oh
God you're such a critic
I see you look from afar
From opposite the bar
And you were tearing off my clothes

You're such a cineophile
I'm such and anglophile
Oh god, I'm such a critic
Can you feel this tension high?
I can feel it in my marrow
I can feel it in my bones

You let me come inside after I stood outside your window
With a boombox over my head
'Cause I'm John Cusack
With the eighties romantic comedy
Say Anything
Say Anything
Say Anything
Say Anything

Dim the lights down low
We want a happy ending
Molly Ringwald's on her way
She deserves the title role
Give her the title role

Dim the lights down low
We want a happy ending
Molly Ringwald's on her way
She deserves the title role
Give her the title role

You let me come inside after I stood outside your window
With a boombox over my head
'Cause I'm John Cusack
With the eighties romantic comedy
Say Anything
Say Anything
Say Anything
Say Anything.

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