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The Same

(View album: Lost Files (Visual EP))

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1252 views

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Swing all day
Fade all day
I’d take anything to make the pain go away
I can smoke, drink, fuck but it still feel the same
Smoke, drink, fuck but it still feel the same
And it rains all day
I fade all day
And I’d take anything to make the pain go away
I can smoke, drink, fuck but it still feel the same
Smoke, drink, fuck and it still feel the same

Round and round and round the thoughts in my head don’t stop
They ricochet off the pain I felt, I fucking hate it
Just when I thought I fucking made it
All I ever dreamed of was going places
I barely could remember, I was so sedated
My troubles follow me, I got no choice but to take it
Unlike all of y'all, I face it best when I’m faded

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