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This Time Around

(View album: The 5th Story)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1172 views

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(Verse 1)
Better days, I was in need of some better days
I was searching for a better way
I was hurting more than my heart could take
Time for a change, I forgot who I wanted to be again
Time has a way of making bitter pain go away day by day
Keep moving forward so the light never fades…

And I want a love this time around
That I can truly say will never die down
And I want a love this time around
Will stand for all time, long than my life
And I want a love this time around
That I can truly say will never die down
And I want a love this time around
Will stand for all time, long than my life, life…

(Verse 2)
I followed my heart
Sometimes it felt like I was walking around in the dark
I was standing up for people who tore me apart
I was giving away pieces of my soul
So long, goodbye regrets
Regretfully I have to move on to the next
Respectfully I have to try to be the best, nothing less
I’m moving far, far away, far from the dark…

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