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Wings On My Penis (Lil Tommy)

(View album: Mount Ninji and da Nice Time Kid)

A Major (Ionian)

number of views for this lyric  1328 views

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Dear God, when I wake up, please can I have wings on my penis? Amen

Uh! Yo! Huh! Yeah! Let's do this!
Hey, yo, fuck this shit, I prayed to God but he forgot this kid
Woke up and I was like, "I can't believe this, still ain't got no wings on my penis!"

Penises are awesome! Penises are cool! Draw penis on the wall, draw penises at school, I draw a penis on the menu and all over place
Sneak over when you're sleeping, draw a penis on your face

Yeah motherfucker! Lil Tommy Terror
Will I ever stop drawing penises? Never!
Yo! Will I ever stop cursing? Maybe! NOT!
If you don't like it, fuck you!

I prayed so hard, I even prayed to Jesus I even wrote to santa claus but all I got is sneakers!
I don't want these Nike's, I don't want Adidas, all I want is wings on my mother-fucking penis

Fuck yeah! Oh shit! Woah! Little Tommy Terror
Aye! Yeah baby! What? Fuck you.

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